#thethirthydirty #day14
Father, we shared jokes
and laughter,
On your duty you never did falter,
When you were here, family time was the best,
Four years has gone since you left for eternal rest,
Like Elvis you have left the building,
but you have not left our hearts.
On your duty you never did falter,
When you were here, family time was the best,
Four years has gone since you left for eternal rest,
Like Elvis you have left the building,
but you have not left our hearts.
#thethirthydirty #day15 #death
Death death death in
this month we had another one on the list,
when custodial death in Malaysia
would give a miss.
Death death death in custody,
it happens every month of the year,
would any one politician give their ear ?
Death death death in custody,
Death man carries no tail,
the law to judge the perpetrators is frail.
Death death death in custody,
this is no murder they say,
Just another statistic, another day.
Death death death in custody,
when would this stop, not many cares,
to speak up for this, not many dares.
Death death death in custody,
beaten up and bruised while in the cell,
even before dying, they experienced hell.
Death death death in custody,
Would policemen and jailers be punished for their sins?
We must punish them, maybe by their own medicine.
#thethirthydirty #day16 #writeosomeonewhoinspireyou
I've seen you here and there,
A straw hat and a broom you bear,
I see you in action under the scorching sun,
To keep our roads clean, your work done,
To dust and dirt you are mean,
It's a tiring job it seems,
but how you do it with a gleam?
Our roads and parks are cleaner due to you,
I never stopped to say thank you,
Please accept my words as a tribute to you.
It’s said that in the shadow of night, ghost and goblins roam free.
How can this be?
When the midnight breeze plays the lute,
the full moon smiling upon land,
the skyline as a tent draped with a thousand shimmering stars
with cool sands kissing the feet,
it’s not a playground of ghouls,
it’s a pavilion of romanticism,
seated here, I gazed upon the emptiness beyond the shores of moonlight and realize,
angels and demons do not come out according to time of day,
they are in hearts of men constantly, in play.
#thedirtythirty #day18 #Lettertomypastself
Go forth and have dreadlocks right after you have done braiding your hair, your future is hairy in other places then expected.
Learn music and dance while still a student, once you start working, you would not have time for this.
Don’t stick to a clique in uni, you loose more in contacts.
Enjoy the company of ladies in university, the working world is more racist than you think.
Learn and record hymns from the grand old matriarch, you are only person for this job.
Make it a practice to exercise daily.
Learn to say no.
Don’t worry that you have not set foot on an airplane. You will be proud when you do it with your own money.
Dream daily on your future, don’t worry on the “how”
Always trust your instincts, God blessed you on this.
Above all, stick to your principles no matter what, you future will be smiling due to this!
#thedirtythirty #day19 #thefutureme
My dear self,
I have manifested in the future to check on your journey as you cruise along gaily, taking world by the day.
To check on the principles that you held dear,
To your heart are they still near.
Are you still writing prose or has the corporate life reduced your literature to email and documents?
Do your subordinate listen to you out of fear or respect?
The car you drive, is it more stylish then the confidence you had when you drove your first car?
Did you kiss your wife with passion and your mother with purpose?
Are your kids enjoy childhood like you did or have you made them a robot programmed by endless class?
How much do you give for charity ever since you became a priority customer of the bank?
When did you last buy a meal for the beggar?
When did you last bow in prayer with tears of thanks?
#thedirtythirty #day20 #styleyoudontusuallywritewith
Someone's smile seem so superficial,
Acting always affirmatively artificial.
Check out another work on TheDirtyThirtyPoetry by a talented Poetess.
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